Tag Archives: Mother Teresa

Celebrating International Women’s Day


Women deserve celebrating! Of course, as an office of all women, we’re not biased at all.

While working with one of our client’s on their Women’s Day event, our team got talking about the women who inspire us, and that conversation was the basis for this post.

So…Happy International Women’s Day 2014! Don’t forget to take a moment to hug, call or even just think about some of the amazing women that have influenced you.

Here’s who we’ll be thinking of…


A Woman who inspires me?  I could scan the globe and find numerous cool women who have rocked the world with some great feminine energy—but when I really thought about it, one of the most inspiring women I know is my Mom.  She has been a beautiful influence in my life and has guided me in adopting three  great character traits that have served me well as a mother, a friend and a business owner.  Nurturing others in a way that makes you feel like the centre of the universe! (and not just her family)  Accepting of people’s strengths, weaknesses and differences- my mother does not judge others, rather she finds a way to see all sides. Determined– when she wants to achieve something, or thinks it is important she has the persistence to make it happen.  My mother spent 35+ years working in geriatrics and at age 63 decided that she had had enough time there and studied towards becoming a doula so she could experience the other end of the life spectrum!  Happy International Woman’s Day Everyone!   And Happy Birthday to my forever GF Beth Wallace, Associate Publisher of Mindful Magazine  as she celebrates her birthday on this special day!

When I think of inspiring women, I think of Beyoncé. She’s an artist who relates to women around the world through her lyrics and is an example of a strong woman who’s always ready to stand out. I love that she is not afraid to bring something fresh to the table no matter how crazy of an idea it might sound. She completely turned the music industry on their head after releasing her latest album. She threw out all traditional marketing strategies and decades of industry wisdom, releasing the record in the wee hours of the morning and ultimately sold 80,000 copies in three hours. No prior warning, no audience anticipation, just true guerrilla style tactics that will likely go down in history in the music industry and as one of her best decisions yet. She’s a goddess, a business woman, puts family first and a force to be reckoned with.

Glori Meldrum founder of Little Warriors and owner/operator of G-Squared Marketing is someone who inspires me.   A survivor of sexual abuse, Glori found her voice and channeled her energy in to creating an a national prevention program which teaches educators, parents, community members etc. how to spot the signs and respond appropriately when they suspect a child is being abused.  Her passion and vision for helping others has propelled her to dream big and just this year she and her team purchased what will be the first long term treatment centre in Canada for children who have been abused.  The Be Brave Ranch a 6,400 sq ft. facility located in Alberta has been purchased with no government funding but rather with funds raised and donated by “average Albertan’s” because Glori shared her vision.  The Ranch  would not have happened if this brave women with a vision, drive, passion and ability to make meaningful connections with people had not faced her fears and walked through them.   The Ranch which will open in June 2014 has been a dream of Glori’s for years and I find her passion, spirit and resilience  to be infectious.

Glori has spoken at numerous local and national events and was nominated for a Women of the Year award this year by the Alberta Women Entrepreneur.   She continues to inspire other women to find their passion, to follow their dreams and never give up when others tell you can’t.

As I write this, my 5 year old son asks “Mom, what are you writing?” so, as best I can, I explain International Women’s Day. My explanation is that “It’s a day when we celebrate awesome women” (the word awesome really resonates with him). He immediately starts listing the women he knows who qualify as ‘awesome’. Thankfully, I made the list.

This made me think of all the mothers I admire, including Mother Teresa, though I image she would have appreciated less my admiration, and more the actions I take to help others. I remember reading a story about Mother Teresa having displayed The Paradoxical Commandments (written my Kent M. Keith) on the wall at one of the children’s homes she worked with.  If you haven’t read it – you should. The meaning of this piece stuck with me, and I strive to instil these values in my own children.  I fervently believe we should all spend time helping people in need, and genuinely connecting with those around us. To me, Mother Teresa exemplifies selflessness, compassion and love: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples” – Mother Teresa.

Mary Budgell – Event Coordinator